Saturday, February 4, 2012

When the sand runs out...

So before you read my blog, I would first like you to listen to a song.  I know it's a lot to ask but, I think it will put you in the right mood and mindset. So bear with me please.  The song is called When The Sand Runs Out by Rascal Flatts.  So halt! Quit reading!

.....Now that you've listened to the song you may continue to read :)

Imagine tommorow you die. You drown in your bathtub, tragic I know.  But how would you feel about your life? Would you be proud about what you left behind?  Would God let you in at heaven's gates? Was what you did with life worthwhile?  These were the thoughts that were running through my mind while I listened to this song.

I think that sometimes us Christians aren't very good at looking at the big picture.  We get so caught up in what's going on in our own world that we forget what we're living for.  We should be living our lives to be glorifying God!  If this is not what we're doing then we need to change.   And we can't wait to change!  If we sit thinking we'll change later its not going to happen. We never know when our last moments are going to be on this earth, and who we are impacting in our lives. 

In the Bible in states that Jesus is going to come to earth again to judge us.  We don't know when this is so we need to be ready. I know I want to be worthy enough to enter his kindom when it is my time. 

When you think about it, after we die nothing we own is going to matter.  It's NOT going to matter what kind of clothes we wore, what kind of car we had, what kind of phone we had, what kind of house we lived in, or how much money we have.  What IS going to matter is our actions.  If we truly love God.  If we've not just called ourselves Christians, but have really been Christians.  We can't just talk the talk. We have to actually walk the walk.

So don't worry about the materialistic things in your life.  Focus on who you are as an individual and continue to progress in your walk of faith.  Focus on what's ahead and make your life worth something.  I know I want to be running when the sand runs out :)

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