Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Don't Let Yourself Ruin the Experience

Everybody knows what's this Friday right...? PROM!! Super exciting I know. But I have to admit, preparing for it sucks, the dress, the hair,the tan, the makeup, the garter, the tux, the car, the decorations, the jewelry, the pictures, the weather, the food, who you're with, the nails, we all want it to be perfect right? Stressful!

Ladies here is a reality check:NOT GONNA HAPPEN! Something is bound to go wrong, at least for me. I was discussing all these little details with a good friend of mine when she said something that made me take a step back and rethink everything she said "This year I really don't care about all that! I'm just going to have fun and enjoy this awesome experience!"

This is such a great state of mind to go into Prom. Enjoy the people you are surrounded with, even if you're not happy about who you're sitting by for the dinner, taking this opportunity to branch out and rekindle or start new friendships. Be crazy, be yourself, have fun! For one night don't worry about anything except enjoying yourself. Don't be self conscious and relax. Make the best of these moments, cuz you're only young once. I'm not saying do something stupid that'll get you in trouble, but don't ruin the night for yourself. Prom is unforgetable, make the best out of it :)

&&dont worry be happy!

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Good post! You have an uniqe style of writing. Good luck!
