Friday, February 3, 2012

Superbowl is tradition.

So everyone is talking about the big event that will be happening this Sunday. The big game that almost the whole country will be watching. Even if football isn't your thing, everyone loves to see the new commercials.

The reason I look forward to the superbowl every year is tradition. This is one of the most consistent traditions in my life. I have been with the same group during the superbowl since I was born! There is five of us families that get together every year. We take turns switching houses every year. It's really cool because each family is from a different school district. And each family has atleast three kids all ranging from fifth grade through college age. I've grown up with these other kids and I love them like my brothers and sisters.

As I've gotten older I realized that other friends my age like to get together for superbowl too. When I was invited to join them on superbowl Sunday, it didn't even cross my mind to consider! No way was I going to break this awesome tradition we have going! The cool thing is that I'm not the only one that feels this way. Even our college boys are coming home for the big event! This really did surprise me because, I guess I just assumed that once they graduated they would just stop coming. I thought they would want to experience the game in the college atmosphere and spend their superbowl Sunday with their new friends. But I was wrong, I guess they really love our tradition too.

So treasure your traditions. No matter what they are! Even if they are something simple that doesn't seem important, I can guarantee you they are. Hold on to them as tight as you can, because they make you the person you are today :)

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