Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Silence is Deafening

This Sunday I attended a lock-in called We Stop Hate.  It was focused on bullying and it really got me thinking about some things...

We all know them.  The person in the corner. The person in the hallway.  The person that never says anything.  The person who has no friends.  The person with no point of view.  The person who is invisible.

NO. NO, NO NO.  That is all wrong.  That person in the corner does not want to be in the corner, but is probably scared of the rest of the people taking up the room.  That person who never says anything, probably has a million things to say, but no one is taking the time to care or listen.  That person with no friends, has Jesus as a friend, a true friend, and maybe that special friend is the only thing keeping this person from taking their own life at night.  The person with no point of view, trust me they do.  And it's probably a greater view than anyone else because they see things that others are too narrow minded to see.  And the person who is invisible.  They're not.  They are shining, they are beautiful.  They deserve to be seen. ...and maybe we are all of these people.  We all have felt like this at some point in our life.

“Turn to me and have mercy on me, because I am lonely and hurting.
My troubles have grown larger; free me from my problems.” -Psalm 25:16-17

It is our job to seek out these people.  To notice these people, to acknowledge these people, to speak to these people, and most importantly, listen to these people.  They need to be heard.  Too many shootings and suicides occur.  And the majority of these tragic events happen with teens.  This is because some individuals are ignored.  No one should live a life that they want to end.  No life is worth ending. 

So reach out to these individuals.  Make them feel as important as they are.  Be caring.  Show kindness.  Share God's love.  Make a difference. Change a life <3

We. Stop. Hate.
"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. "-Ephesians 4:31-32

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