Friday, January 27, 2012

Oh here we go.

"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."- Steve Prefontaine

If you don't know who Steve Prefontaine is he is an amazing athlete. He is a runner who has great motivational thoughts. He was a young man who was able to inspire many people to start running. Sadly his running career was not able to last very long because he was killed in a car crash when he was twenty-four. What he accomplished in his life was great though.

The thing about this quote though, is that it doesn't just apply to running. Although running is what Steve was referring to, it can be applied in so many different areas in your life! No matter what it is you should do everything your best. Why would you give it any less?

God has given us all different special gifts. Sometimes it's hard to figure out what gift God has given us,and how he wants us to use them. Personally,that's something I have been struggling with. I'm not quite sure what my special gift is from God that he wants me to use to make a difference in this world.

I believe the best way to figure this out is in whatever you do, do with all your heart! Don't just kind of try at something, give it 100% all of the time! We all have gifts, whether it be musical, athletic, smart ect. Let's use them and show the world what we're made of :)

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