Thursday, January 19, 2012

My view.

So there has been a YouTube video going around that has caused lots of conversation. It is about a man who believes in Jesus but hates religion. I was startled when I heard this. Hate religion? How is this possible? All of my friends were saying how cool it was so I figured, I should probably watch it. When I first watched it a friend was with me and she kept saying how much she agreed with it and how stupid religion was. Now, the video did make some good points, and it sounded pretty cool how he rhymed everthing, but I still didn't agree with it, I mean I love my religion. And there were many comments the man in the video made that offended me. How could he love Jesus so much, but then bash on religion that way? Even John the Baptist? I wasn't even sure if he had his facts straight? Needless to say, I was very confused. Thank goodness for my awesome youth group and youth leader. When I shared with them how confused that video left me, my youth pastor threw her lesson plans aside without thinking twice and we pulled up the video. We were able to discuss the video as a group and talk about what points he made were good and what points weren't. It made me feel sad for this man because obviously his church had made him feel sad and unwelcome at some point in time. Church should be a place where you feel welcome. A place to go when your broken and want to be healed. A place to worship our God with a community of people who feel the same. I believe that religion helps strengthen my relationship with God. I'm not sure if I really got a point across in this blog, or if I really had a point to get across. This had just been waying on my mind a lot lately and I wanted to get my thoughts out. I'd love to hear the thoughts from others who have seen this video and think of it from different views.


  1. I agree with everything you're saying Baillee. Especially about going to church and worshiping God with people from your community. I definitely agree. After watching that video the first time, I really thought it was amazing. But after looking back and watching it again, he contradicts himself a lot. Saying that if Jesus came to our church, would we even let him in. But towards the end of the video he claims he loved church and has nothing against it. Like you said, he had some good points. But there was a lot of contradiction. I have a lot of respect for you blogging about this and not being afraid to stand up and express your opinion. Love ya girl <3

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Whit! I was really hoping I wouldn't offend anyone by talking negatively about this video. I think it makes it easier to understand things when people point out things you haven't noticed before.

  3. I can see where this guy is coming from, but without my church I wouldn't be as close to God as I am now! Religion really does help your relationship with God.

  4. Yes! Church is where I learned how to have a relationship with God! Who knows how I would have turned out without it to guide me.
