Friday, May 11, 2012

So you had a lotta crooks try to steal your heart...

Here he comes! You're prince charming, riding on horse, looking more gorgeous than ever, he swoops you off you feet, you stare into his enchanting eyes and....BOOM!!!! He drops you on your booty! ...well this sucks.

Ladies, why does this happen to us? Why do we fall head over heels for the wrong person over and over again. Why can't we see the hurt that is bound to come out of these unhealthy relationships?

Last night one of my best friends called me, sobbing her eyes out because she got hurt by a person of the male species. I had told her from the start he wasn't good for her, but she couldn't see it. Love had blinded her, and now she was hurt. I couldn't find the words to comfort her. I tried, but the damage was already done, he had broken her. :(

So I was thinking, what could have been done to prevent this? Honestly, I don't know if this could have been prevented. Some life lessons just have to be learned by experiences, by making mistakes and learning from them.

But it doesn't mean we can't do our best to make the right decisions. The bible is definitely a great source of information...

Proverbs 4:23 "Above all else, guard your heart,for everything you do flows from it."

This verse truly is amazing. We need to take care of our hearts, we need to not let guys take advantage of it. Okay sounds great, but how do we do that?!

My advice is to put Christ into your relationship. With a Christbased relationship everything is going to be easier. You both will have the same values so there will be no need for compromise. He won't try to force you to do anything you want to. It's a challenge, but try to focus on the interior instead of the exterior. Don't expect him to be flawless, but fall in love with his flaws. Don't rush anything, take your time. Be your own individual and don't change for anyone, if he isn't enchanted by who you truly are then it's his loss. Guard your heart at all costs <3

And to my best friend who I know is reading this, God has a plan for you, and trust me it is truly amazing. You deserve so much more than what you suffered through and I love you to the moon and back. Chin up beautiful :)


  1. Love the verse reference Baillee! You're getting better and better my friend at this blogging thing ;). Keep it up!

  2. Ehmm are u pointing ur finger to all males? Well its not a matter of male or female. Both equaly play with feelings. In Love, marriage or any relationship there should be some matching or an understanding. If those aren't there continue a relationship is a difficult thing.
    How ever any and every bond we made will be break some day, that day there will be definite hurt. Every bond is root of sadness. Thats the nature. If someone understand that that one know how to win sadness. Because sadness or happiness generate by our own!
    Well, good post baillee. Keep posting!

  3. I'm not trying to point fingers at all males, just trying to help girls make smart decisions and find the RIGHT guy.

  4. Yah baillee! I knw, I just asked. You have delivered realy important facts to keep while developing a relationship, As u said guard your heart! As me said bond without hurt!
